Friday, August 31, 2012

some links that I liked

Here are a couple of things I found at various points recently that I really liked. You may enjoy them, too. I hope so.

I really like this cartoonist and have given some of his cartoons as presents. The cartoon is not the best of his, but the sentiment is exactly right: "Do your best work, focus on adapting and effecting change on what you CAN control. Let China be China. Everything will turn out okay."

Survival International works to help non-contacted, indigenous people to, well, survive. Their site is fascinating and, at times, incredibly depressing. I'd encourage you to look around. I find the idea of whole tribes of people living in the world right now who know nothing of the world outside their traditional group totally mind-blowing and think that is something worth preserving. Anyway, this is a happy slideshow "revealing some of the talents of tribal people in honor of the olympics."

Finally, evidently "Literary Mama" is quite well-known, but I had not heard of it before today. "Creative non-fiction" is, I guess, what this blog is, so I read the current offering  for creative non-fiction--you know, to check out the competition. Wow! I think Felicia Schneiderhan really captures a piece of what happens when you become a mother.

I hope you enjoyed one or more of these.

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